Mightex BLS-series BioLED light sources are modularised fully-customisable turn-key solutions for optogenetics, fluorescence excitation, and other biophotonics applications. Precisely-timed and high-intensity light pulses are required in optogenetics experiments to activate channelrhodopsins (ChR2, ChR1 etc.) and halorhodopsins (NpHR) in order to excite and inhibit neurons. To meet these requirements, Mightex has developed a proprietary “IntelliPulsing” technology to allow BLS-series sources to output significantly higher power in pulse mode than what the LEDs are rated for in CW mode.
Mightex BLS-series collimated LED light sources employ the latest high-power LED technologies and a proprietary coupling optics to achieve maximum optical output power. Using Mightex multi-wavelength beam combiners, multiple collimated LED's with different emitting wavelengths can be combined into one collimated beam with high efficiency and without using any moving parts in the optical path. In conjunction with BioLED light source control modules, these LED sources can be used for a wide range of applications including optogenetics and other bio-photonics applications.